

Kaoru O’Mahony

QHHT・量子催眠レベル2、レイキ3、サウンドヒーリング プラクティショナー、GIA G.G宝石鑑定士

English below











大学生:カリフォルニアでの一人暮らし生活が始まる。両親から離れ初めて自由を経験し、自分を尊重できるようになった。心理学を専攻したものの、学習困難で卒業するのに時間がかかる。自由なカリフォルニア生活を満喫中、家族想いの男性と出会い、自分には暖かい家庭といった拠り所を持ったことがない、そしてそれが自分が一番必要なものだったということに気がつかされる。この頃から根拠のない自信、理由はわからないがなぜか答えを知っている感覚が身に付く。2003年にGIA(Gemological Institute of America) G.G宝石鑑定士の資格を取得。




今考えると、子供の頃から直感と共感力が強いクレアコグニザント。2020年に自分でいることが辛くなり崩壊していくが、レイキと出会い、ヒーリングとインナージャーニーが始まる。初めて自分がHSP、そしてサイキックということを自覚することで、人生が新しい方向へと展開していく。著者ドロレスキャノンの”入り組んだ宇宙”を読みQHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) と出会い、このプラクティショナーになることが自分のミッションの一つと直感する。




Here is the story of my spiritual journey. I believe that everyone visiting my website has a beautiful and mystical spiritual journey as well. I would be grateful if you could read it with your open heart.


Early Childhood: I was born in Tegal, Indonesia. At the age of 2 and a half, I moved to Japan and lived in Chiba, but soon after, I moved to Miyagi. Around the age of 5, when I had a high fever and was delirious, I traveled to the universe and experienced oneness.


Elementary School: I admired the magical world in girls' manga, "Tokimeki Tonight," and loved magic, spells, and fortune-telling. I believed that shiny, delicate marbles were human souls and always kept three of them in my pocket. My parents, who had an international marriage, frequently argued, and our home was not always filled with happy memories. My father was often absent, and my mother, who struggled with raising me in a cold region of Japan and couldn't speak Japanese fluently, felt isolated. I was quite sensitive to my mother's feelings.


Middle School: I entered an all-girls school. Until then, I had been an excellent student however from the second year of middle school, I couldn't concentrate at all, and my learning abilities declined, resulting in failing grades, which shocked me. At the same time, I got into trouble and was suspended from school. Around this time, I started experiencing strange sensations more frequently. I would suddenly get intense headaches, always felt lethargic while bathing, experienced a persistent desire to disappear, a transcendent feeling as if I were observing my life from above, and began to hear voices, among other things. One day, I had a sudden feeling that "I would help humanity in the future," which I thought bordered on narcissism. The family situation got worse, and I immersed myself in psychology, philosophy, and the spiritual world. I once considered ending my life but heard a voice saying, "Aren't you looking forward to life in 20 years?" which made me stop.


High School: After graduating from middle school, I moved to Singapore with my father's business. It was a fresh start for the family, but my relationship with my mother and my parents' marriage continued to be terrible. I started going to an international school, and my life in English began. I fell in love at first sight with a Russian boy. The strong sense of attraction, like a magnet, would become the key to figuring out  my spiritual journey 20 years later. He lied and returned home. I always felt alienated no matter where I was, and at home, we had daily conflicts. I desperately expressed myself with anger. At the age of 16, for some reason, I became interested in scuba diving and got a license. I went diving on a school trip to an island in Malaysia, and at a depth of 25m  underwater, I experienced oneness. At that time, I didn't understand the concept of spirituality, so I expressed the experience as a union with God, but I never talked about it with others. Afterward, my interest in diving waned.


College: I began living on my own in California. I experienced freedom for the first time, away from my parents, and learned to respect myself. I majored in psychology, but it took me some time to graduate due to learning difficulties. While enjoying the freedom of life in California, I met a family oriented guy and realized that I had never had a warm and supportive family, which was what I needed the most. During this time, I started to gain baseless confidence and a feeling of knowing the answers, even though I didn't know why. In 2003, I got the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) G.G Gemologist certification.


Adult: After ten years, I returned to Japan. I worked in the diamond wholesale industry and later at the Christian Dior headquarters in Tokyo. I was responsible for Dior Fine Jewelry merchandise  and visual merchandising. I was exposed to the luxury world and fantastic quality of Dior, which helped me further refine my delicate sense. Jewelry display was not challenging for me, as I knew what looked beautiful and perfect. In my personal life, I met a Canadian guy, got married, got a son, and moved to Canada.


Looking back now, I realize that I've had a strong claircognizance, intuition, and empathy since childhood. In 2020, I reached a breaking point where I found it difficult to be myself. It was at this time that I met Reiki, and my journey of healing and inner exploration began. I became aware of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and a psychic for the first time, and my life started to unfold in a new direction. Reading Dolores Cannon's "The Convoluted Universe" introduced me to QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), and I had a strong intuition that becoming a QHHT practitioner was one of my missions.

With a deep interest in the spiritual realm and expanding consciousness, I am currently creating original sessions to awaken and guide individuals towards new programs and cosmic awareness, all while providing QHHT, and healing services to contribute my abilities and skills to the fullest. I'm also learning quantum mechanics, crystal healing, and sound healing to incorporate into my programs.

The encounter with gemstones and minerals in my intuitive learning journey had a profound impact on my later life. I realized that all events in my life were happening according to the blueprint I was born with, as set by my Higher Self from the beginning.

The challenging experiences of my childhood and the past now feel like they were meant to make my life more interesting, beautiful, and abundant. I believe that the mysterious experiences I've had in the past were opportunities to remember where my spirit comes from and who I truly am. Through flashbacks and inner work in my journey, I've come to understand that the spirit lives in a multi-dimensional existence. When we recognize that we have this cosmic consciousness (5th dimension) and that humans and the universe are interrelated, we can embrace the future as new "space beings." I want to expand this pioneering vision to everyone while continuing to provide support for living a richer life in the present, evolving and transforming gracefully, and being beautiful from within.