15-Minute Free Consultation

Hello, welcome to Blanc Boheme.
I’m Kaoru. Nice to meet you!

Energy Worker

QHHT, Reiki, Sound healing practitioner

GIA Graduate Gemologist

I’m so excited that you reached my website. I have a strong interest in the spiritual world and consciousness expansion. I started my journey many years ago with minerals and gemstones qualifying as a Graduate Gemologist. My intuition directed me to the healing power of stones, starting a journey that has now taken me to Singapore, where I currently offer QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) and Reiki healing in my powerful program, Follow Your Bliss. In the spirit of kaizen, I continuously evolve my programs to further awaken people to cosmic consciousness incorporating my ongoing study of quantum mechanics, crystals, and sound healing.

Being very intuitive since childhood, it recently became clear to me that I have been searching for beauty and purity for most of my life. Now I intuitively feel on an energy level and know we all have that beautiful vibration within us. Life is something we can choose for ourselves. Perhaps we've forgotten this along the way.

How many similarities can you recall between your childhood self and your present self? The concept of the fifth dimension, connecting with our Higher Self, isn't a story from a distant world. Our memories are the fifth dimension, and within us, dimensions overlap in countless ways. The ones who have found their way to this world, might feel, "It's nice to see you again" is the best representation.

The spirit or Higher Self is incredibly capable. In the Higher Self, we are drawn to recover many memories, we meet and feel inspired to experience awakening, and we remember ourselves as we move forward in our life journey. If you felt a shiver reading this text, right now, your Higher Self is about to welcome you with a smile, saying "welcome back." To live each day, each hour, each moment feeling enriched, please, find joy in meeting me and receiving support. There is nothing happier than this.

Love and light,


What’s Reiki?


Reiki is an alternative therapy that originates in Japan. It involves transferring universal life force energy from the practitioner's hands to the client to promote healing. In Reiki, it is believed that all living beings have energy flowing through them. When someone is unwell, their energy balance is disrupted. By adjusting the energy balance, Reiki can bring physical, emotional and spiritual healing, reduce stress, and induce relaxation.

Reiki would help when you:

  • feel a lack of energy
  • feel low in spirits
  • want to clear your energy
  • seek deep healing and relaxation
  • want to clear your mind
  • worry about physical discomfort
  • feel ready to receive messages from your spirit
  • want to clarify your thoughts and direction
  • want to strengthen your grounding

What’s QHHT® (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique)?


QHHT is an unique and safe hypnosis method created and developed by Dolores Cannon over several decades and thousand sessions.Using QHHT, it is possible to time travel to your other life times and access all knowing parts of yourself (subconscious) which is also called the Higher Self. Co-working with your Higher Self, it is possible that you receive messages, answers to your questions, and if it’s necessary miraculous healing through hypnosis.

For more information, visit official QHHT website

1 to 1 Services


Welcome to my exclusive realm of personalised excellence, and explore the transformative session below:

Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing is a customized Reiki healing session in person. It helps to relieve your physical discomfort, reduce stress, and induce relaxation. While it helps to clear and harmonize your energy flow, it can also be personalized to meet your specific physical, emotional or spiritual needs. Whichever way you wish to approach your session, it will bring you rejuvenation and a sense of vitality you seek.

Inclusive of:

  • a 15 min consultation
  • a 10 min crystal sound healing
  • a 30 min reiki healing
  • a quick post session chat
  • an access to an online group, Reiki


Energy exchange: 

Singapore dollars $70 / $190 (3 sessions)

By continuing to receive sessions, you can achieve the accumulation of stress relief, a deeper sense of mental and physical harmony, and a more profound process of self-awareness, growth, and transformation. And it is more cost-effective.

*This is not a medical procedure, so if you have a specific medical condition, please consult a medical institution.

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Remote Reiki Healing

Remote Reiki Healing refers to Reiki healing that is performed from a distance. Practitioners do not need to be in contact with their clients, and healing can be performed anywhere in the world, regardless of time and space. From a quantum mechanical perspective, energy can move through time and space without any restrictions. Therefore, even if a practitioner is not physically present, they can send the energy by simply knowing the client's name and intention.

Like for example Wi-Fi, even if you're on a different floor of the same building, Wi-Fi still reaches every room, right? Energy operates on a similar principle, traveling beyond time and space. Furthermore, in the case of Reiki healing, energy moves through the cosmos far beyond the range of Wi-Fi.

By the way, many celebrities are turning to Reiki Healing such as Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie, Christina Aguilera and Gwyneth Paltrow amongst others.

Inclusive of:

  • a 15 min Zoom consultation
  • a 10 min crystal sound healing
  • a 30 min remote reiki healing
  • a quick post session chat 
  • an access to an online group, Reiki


Energy exchange: 

Singapore dollars $50 / $135 (3 sessions)

By continuing to receive sessions, you can achieve the accumulation of stress relief, a deeper sense of mental and physical harmony, and a more profound process of self-awareness, growth, and transformation. And it is more cost-effective.

*This is not a medical procedure, so if you have a specific medical condition, please consult a medical institution.

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Reiki Healing Client Testimonial

Reiki Healing
Client Testimonial


Sheryl L

Follow Your Bliss

Do you know your life purpose? Are you tired of your daily routine? Are you living your life with regrets? Are you giving up on life because you feel you can't change anything?

I used to keep myself "busy" managing my daily routines like doing my ordinary job that paid me ok, or taking care of young children while I had to keep up an unfulfilling social life with mom friends.

If you can tap into your subconscious, get to know your authentic self, and find your soul purpose and mission in life, wouldn’t your life be more meaningful? You will feel so much more radiant and alive.

You deserve a fulfilling life with love, freedom, achievements and accomplishments. It is possible to get all of this.

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) helps you reconnect with your Higher Self. Show you your other life times which carry important messages that you need at this time. This way you can uncover your life purpose and mission. Doesn't it sound exciting?

Follow Your Bliss is a total support program that awakens your spirit to rediscover your authentic self. You will harmonize your energy by receiving reiki to prepare for a QHHT journey which helps you expand your consciousness and reconnect with your Higher Self. It involves five steps to help you reconnect with your Higher Self and navigate life freeing yourself from the mind that makes your life challenging. You are only 5 steps away from the journey to follow your bliss!

Step 1 (45 minutes):

Firstly, through a Zoom consultation and remote Reiki healing, we will help circulate your energy and create a mental and physical state conducive to accessing the deep hypnosis.

Step 2 (120-180 minutes):

In a subsequent session at a physical session space, we will conduct counseling just before the QHHT session. Together, we will identify the root causes of why your mind finds life challenging. Taking a few hours, the practitioner will patiently listen to your life story and concerns, building a trusting relationship. The more you entrust the journey’s guidance to the practitioner, the hypnosis will deepen.

Step 3 (60-90 minutes):

After achieving a deep state of relaxation, we will proceed with hypnosis. Through the practitioner's guided meditation, you will be on the somnambulistic level of trance, connecting to multi-dimensional lives which hold the most important messages for your current life. From the questions you prepared in advance, you will be able to receive answers directly from your Higher Self. (In QHHT, Dolores calls it “Subconscious.” Not to be confused with conventional medical and psychological terminology, Dolores chose to use the word Subconscious to describe this hidden aspect of existence.) This process will enable you to unravel long-held questions and lead to deeper healing, ultimately guiding you towards self-actualization. It will be a very eye-opening and spiritually awakening experience.

Step 4 (30 minutes):

After waking from hypnosis, we will have a reflection while grounding ourselves with a light snack. After undergoing the QHHT session, you will undergo a transformation, much like a caterpillar becoming a chrysalis and then a butterfly, feeling your infinite potential and experiencing the world in a different way. By connecting with your spirit, you will discover your "true self" as a new self.

Step 5 (30 minutes):

One month after the QHHT, we will conduct a follow-up session on Zoom. This will be a time for you to reflect on your introspective journey, share insights, and potentially make new discoveries.

 You get benefits if you:

  • want to know your life purpose 
  • have repetitive negative thoughts and behavior patterns
  • want to connect with their Higher Self and subconscious mind
  • want to know answers and information you can't find on your own
  • want to train their subconscious mind
  • want to alleviate physical discomfort
  • want to change your life
  • want to expand your consciousness

Inclusive of:

  • a 45 min Q&A Zoom and remote reiki session
  • a 4-5 hour QHHT session in person
  • a 30 min follow up zoom session
  • a sound recording of your hypnosis
  • an access to an online group, QHHT

*The session venue will be confirmed once you book the program.


*This is an in-person session, so it is only available for those currently residing in Singapore. It cannot be conducted online, but sessions are available in Karuizawa, Japan where I have a summer house in the beautiful mountain of Shinshu called Mt. Asama. If you are interested and would like to arrange a personal Follow Your Bliss retreat with me there or find more information about it, please feel free to contact me through the contact form.


Energy exchange: 

Singapore dollars $555

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Follow up Consultation

Follow up Consultation is for those who have taken the program, Follow Your Bliss. An important step to discuss and explore your journey to your new self. Those you considered close to you prior to your transformation may not fully grasp the changes in you and as such this is an opportunity to share and articulate your life purpose in a safe, supportive environment.  

Inclusive of:

  • a 30 min Zoom consultation
  • an access to an online group, QHHT


Energy exchange: 

Singapore dollars $50 / $135 (3 sessions)

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QHHT Client Testimonials


Quentin O

Looking forward to being part of your journey!