$190.00 SGD



Reiki Healing (3 sessions)

It is a customized Reiki healing session in person. It helps to relieve your physical discomfort, reduce stress, and induce relaxation. While it helps to clear and harmonize your energy flow, it can also be personalized to meet your specific physical, emotional or spiritual needs. Whichever way you wish to approach your session, it will bring you rejuvenation and a sense of vitality you seek.

This is not a medical procedure, so if you have a specific medical condition, please consult a medical institution. Please note that we do not accept claims or refunds for cases where there is no effect.
By continuing to receive sessions, you can achieve the accumulation of stress relief, a deeper sense of mental and physical harmony, and a more profound process of self-awareness, growth, and transformation. And it is more cost-effective.

Energy exchange: 

Singapore dollars $70 / $190 (3 sessions)


Inclusive of:

  • a 15 min consultation
  • a 10 min crystal sound healing
  • a 30 min reiki healing
  • a quick post session chat
  • an access to an online group, Reiki

The session venue will be confirmed once you book the program.

This is an in-person session and is available for residents of Singapore only. If you wish to make payment via PayNow, please proceed to make the payment using this link.

Please note that we do not accept claims or refunds for cases where there is no effect. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.


7 steps to book:

  • Type your email
  • Type your handle name
  • Create password
  • Confirm password
  • Type your name 
  • Select your preferred day for your session
  • Make a payment